Daniela at 6 Months

Last Sunday was Daniela's half birthday!

We took her to the doctor on Monday for regular checkup. She got 2 shots and 1 oral vaccine. Then 2 more shots on Friday. Her current stats are: weight - 15 lbs and 5 oz (30th percentile), height - 2' 1" (40th percentile).

She has been sick in the last 2 weeks - two days of fever followed by runny nose and cough. The doctor said we should just let it run its course. Even so, she's mostly happy and alert. She's highly aware of people and her surroundings, and would turn towards whoever is talking.

She can easily push up her whole body with her arms and legs. On her tummy, she can pivot/turn her body quite easily and fast, too.

She can reach her toes! I saw her pull it towards her mouth once. She's also grabbing things and putting them in her mouth.

Happy baby! I can't believe we're halfway through her first year.


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