Trick or Treat 2015

Last Saturday, we went to the Villacortas for a party with other Filipinos and trick-or-treating at their neighborhood. We did the same last year, too, but a different and bigger group this time.

Neil is Captain America this year and Ela is a pumpkin, sort of, bought last minute. We actually got her a very cute owl costume but the 6-12M size was still too big. I planned to take it in but did not have time because of too much going on with work, so we're saving it for next year. Hopefully, it won't be too small by then.=)

Neil enjoyed trick or treating around the neighborhood. He joined a group of kids, with Richard tailing them. He almost filled his bucket. We counted 84 in all and set aside some to donate to his school for 'thankful baskets.'

Thank you, Mavic and Noel for hosting!

A very rare family picture that's not taken by timer.=)

More photos at home.


  1. Nice imong settings sa house pics. Cute ang boo sa lubot ni Ela :-)

  2. Thanks, using the old Canon DLSR for the house shots. Wa pa nako na-configure ang settings sa Sony, pirmi lang auto.


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