Daniela at 7 Months

At 7 months old, Ela can crawl/scoot at will. She's still a little wobbly but she can move her body to wherever she wants to go.

She can hold on to things, pull herself up and stand with support. We have lowered the base of her playpen to make sure she doesn't fall out.

She drools... A LOT. I think her first tooth will break out soon.

She is very aware of her surroundings, sensitive to sound and directs her attention to whoever is talking.

She has become wary of strangers. She used to be happy with anyone carrying her but nowadays, she cries. I believe this is part of her being more aware of us so it's not necessarily a bad thing.

We are trying more types of solids and she has taken to them really well.

She is generally a happy and easygoing baby. =)


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