Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

The past few months, I was on a roll with my reading.  I was getting through at least one book per week.  Unfortunately, that's not been the case lately because I’ve been very busy.  The last book I finished reading last week was The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker.

I’ve read a lot of financial freedom books and I initially thought this one would be a like the others in terms of topic (some are) but this stands out for me because it’s straightforward, has practical applications for each chapter and has affirmations that you can say and act out.  Yup, act out.  It might sound and seem corny initially but Eker vouches that it works and he has testimonials to support it.

I am always for learning so I am looking to apply a few of Eker’s ideas.  Let’s see how it goes...


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