Kuya Neil

One of the things that had me feeling a bit emo the closer we got to the Daniela's delivery date was Neil and how he will have to adjust not being a solo kid anymore. I wanted to shower him extra attention knowing that much of our time will be devoted to taking care of the new baby especially in the first few weeks. We psyched him about what will change, how he can help take care of his sister, etc.

Richard went to get him from the house in the afternoon of April 18 and he met Daniela for the first time. We let him hold the baby on the second day. 

Neil slept at the hospital on Saturday night. On Sunday, we asked if he prefers to sleep at the hospital again with us, or at the house with lola. He chose sleeping at the house. I was surprised and also proud of him for making that choice. He understood that daddy had to stay with me and the baby.

When the Daniela cries, he rushes to her to see what's up. And he whispers in order to not wake the baby. I have also been asking his help with small errands and he does them willingly. He is a good kuya and I look forward to seeing more of this big brother side of him to unfold.=)


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