Meet Daniela

We welcomed baby Daniela to our family on April 18, 2015. She's was born weighing 6 lbs 11 ozs and measured 19.5 inches. She was delivered via c-section, as planned, but 2 days earlier than the scheduled surgery date.

I woke up with intermittent pain at 3AM of April 18. I was trying to figure out if they were real contractions so I timed the intervals and intensity. My OB advised that I call immediately if it happens less than 10 minutes apart, so we got in touch with the on-call physician and were told to check-in at the hospital.

I was hooked up to monitoring equipment, had blood drawn and signed a lot of consent forms. Then we were advised that the surgery will happen that day, at 7:30AM. So I was prepped and we waited. Rich was told that he could go in so he suited up as well.

I was awake and aware the whole time. I just felt some pressure but no pain at all. At 7:45AM, Daniela was out. She was roomed-in with me, which I appreciated because it allowed for more bonding time even if it gave us very little rest during the night. She was a little jaundiced and had to be tested twice but all within the safe zone.

We were discharged from the hospital on April 21 and recovering well at home.

Neil meets Daniela

Smiling baby and my hand for scale

Ready to go home


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