Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg.  I learned about this site from Jessica Zafra's blog.  It's a treasure trove of e-books that are FREE to download.  For the record, I don't like reading e-books very much.  I prefer the tactile experience of a book in hand and  flipping the pages.  I already stare at a computer screen almost 100% of the time at work so hard copy is my preference for leisure reading.

BUT, I can read e-copies of short stories since I can go through them in one sitting. Today, I read The Lady with the Dog by Anton Chekhov. 

I love how accessible these works are in this age.  There's no excuse for not reading! :)

To help the cause, I signed up to proofread the computer-generated texts of book scans so they can be converted to e-books.  One more thing to do during my spare time.  (What spare time?)


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