OPM2: Kanya-Kanya

Today's preaching notes... The topic for today's preaching is still on the OPM (Original Pilipino Mindsets) series, specifically 'Kanya-kanya.'  As Filipinos, of course we know what this mean.  It means you take care of your business and I take care of mine.  That might not sound negative, per se, but it does become detrimental when under selfish motivations, we look out ONLY for ourselves without concern for others, even taking advantage of them or harming them.

Simple and very common example: driving in Metro Manila.  If there are no traffic lights and cars are left to their own diskarte at intersections, then there will be chaos.  While drivers are looking out for themselves, they eventually end up in a worse place, along with everyone else.

Main Verse: Galatians 3:26-28
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Being baptized into Christ (immersed) and being clothed with Christ (identity) has made all of us equals and being so, gives us the grace to not to succumb to kanya-kanya.  We need this as a family, church and nation...
Victory Makati, October 10, 2010
Pastor LA Mumar

  1. What areas in your life show self-centeredness?
  2. In what way can you say that you are selfless. Give examples.
  3. Having learned that selflessness is an outworking (of the Holy Spirit rather than it is something to be worked for), how does this change the way you think and live?
  4. What selfish acts can you resolve to no longer do starting this week?
  5. What opportunities can you think of in your day-to-day activities where you can be more "others-oriented" as Jesus is? 


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