the perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky

I finished this book last night.  It was a breeze to read because it just flows.  I will not get into too mcuh detail on the plot (Google!) but just want to say that this is very well-written.  Charlie, the narrator, tells his story in letters to an unnamed friend.  He's a high school freshman, intelligent and introspective, and he finds himself entangled with a group of seniors (Emma Watson plays Sam in the movie).  He hangs out with them and gets a lot of complicated situations with them.  He also talks about his family life, a teacher who believes in him, and his personal struggles (seeing a psychiatrist).

Even with a fairly busy social life, he just lets things happen to him.  He goes along, keeps secrets, and deals with his issues independently.  A wallflower, but but he is also loyal and fights for his friends.  Everything about this book made me root for Charlie.  In the end, everything works out as best they could.  Not perfect but forebodes a better year ahead.


  1. I watched the movie before reading the book. :) I just wished I read it back in highschool but the good thing is that although the movie and the book have a similar narrative, each offer an entirely different experience.


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