Daniela at 5 Months

Daniela turned 5 months old almost 2 weeks ago!

We've started giving her solids because we observed that she's hungrier with just milk. And she's seems interested in food especially when we're at the dinner table. So far, she's tried bananas, squash, peas and apple. She makes a funny 'mukasim' face with the apples.=) We have also started supplementing with formula milk because I only pump once a day in the office and it's not enough for her daily needs. When I'm at home, she's breastfed. I hope we can keep this up for many more months.

She is gaining strength in her legs and can already lift her butt up. We find her sleeping in this position sometimes. I think it will not be long before she starts crawling.

We also see better hand-eye coordination. She grabs at whatever is interesting infront of her. And that includes putting these things in her mouth.

She can cry really loud now, especially if she wants attention. She's a very social baby and wants to be with people, be entertained or listen to conversation. She's our little ball of sunshine!


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