Introvert Doodles

The Huffington Post had this article yesterday entitled 12 Illustrations That Are All Too Real For Introverts. Of course I had to check it out. Introvert Doodles is the comic series by Maureen Wilson and I can relate to most of them. After reading Quiet, these cartoons made it more evident that introverts have common experiences that I tend to believe are unique just because I don't see it in others. So this reinforces that the challenges and struggles and joys and idiosyncrasies are real and shared by others. Plus they're funny. 

I looked through all of the past doodles and the ones here are all too true for me. =)

Praning sa email. I don't just read the sent emails. I even recall them sometimes just to make sure. Thank you, Gmail, for the 30-second window.

Or pretend to be sleepy...

This is why Rich does most of the calling in our house.=)

This season, rarely alone but never lonely.


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