Second Grade Schoolwork

We're done with the first 4 weeks of second grade and slowly getting the hang of schoolwork and scheduling.  Neil did not have homework for the first 2 weeks so he had more unstructured time. The last 2 weeks though, we got busy making sure he gets everything done. There's a lot more this year compared to first grade. His regular schoolwork includes:
  • Reading journal. They're required to read at least 20 minutes per day and log the book title, author, number of pages and their opinion. We don't have a problem with asking Neil to read. He exceeds the time minimum easily logging is another story.
  • Spelling words. They get 10 spelling words per week that need to be incorporated into 3 activities. For example, using clay to spell the words or write them in alphabetical order, etc. It's easy but they also take time.
  • Vocabulary journal. More words. They copy the given definition and write sample sentences. Words may be added everyday.
  • Supplemental exercises on and
They're also required to complete special projects every so often. Last week was a life timeline, i.e. identifying 8 activities with pictures and descriptions. Neil and I worked on this during the weekend and he submitted 4 days before the deadline. I actually enjoyed putting this together with him. Another special project is to monitor a specific tree and record observations once a month.

Timeline project. Richard took this photo at school during curriculum night.

Neil gets home from school at 2:30PM and theoretically there's enough time to complete all his schoolwork. Except that he gets distracted. Rich can't fully attend to him when Ela is awake, which is most of the day now. So while I'm still in the office, he just reads and does the math exercises on the iPad. Considering karate, dinner, and shower, there's really not much time before his target 8:30PM bedtime. I am the designated homework parent and I want him to enjoy the process but sometimes I have to turn into this un-fun taskmaster who badgers him to just get it done. We're still adjusting and I know we'll get better in the coming weeks.=)

We created a new study space for him by the dining area. He has outgrown his old Cars table and chair and deserved a more 'grown up' space.


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