Ela at 1 Year Old

Last week was Ela's 1st year well visit. Her current stats are:
  • Height: 2' 5" (60th percentile)
  • Weight: 18 lbs 5 oz (25th percentile)
  • Head circumference: 18" (75th percentile)
For the first time, she was weighed sitting and not lying down. She was tested for anemia and received 3 shots. She's doing well physically.

Some other interesting facts about Ela at 1 year old:
  • She has 3 teeth now and she enjoys brushing.
  • She likes to grab my hair and put it in her mouth. :S
  • We have packed away all her bottles because she has transitioned to the cup. She still breastfeeds but I've stopped expressing milk at work because she's drinking less milk during the day.
  • She has learned spit out food. She's not averse to anything really, it's more of when she's full or wants more variety.
  • She's not walking yet but can climb up and down the sofa with ease.
  • She's very alert and social. She cries if she does not see anyone around.
We call her Daniela or Ela in public but we've come up with so many nicknames for her at home. Some of them are Ela Bella, Ely Belly, Elstar, Ela Star, Ela Boo, Lara Bells and Baby Bella. =)

Here's a compilation of video clips from her first year.


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