In a Different Key

In a Different Key (The Story of Autism) by John Donvan and Caren Zucker is an investigative work about autism, from when it started to be observed/diagnosed to the present day. It took me two months to read the book but that's not to say that it's not good (I was just preoccupied with other things). In fact, it's very well written and compelling. The authors were careful about treating the subject with respect and it's evident in the tone throughout the book. You can see the amount of meticulous research that went into this project. Aside from the medical and scientific aspects, the authors also shared the stories of so many people that have shaped what we know about autism today. This includes Donald Triplett, in the photo below, who was the first person diagnosed with the condition. 

This book opened my eyes to the dark and tumultuous history of autism, but also to the heroic efforts of parents and few in the scientific community to advocate for individuals with autism. In one lifetime, all their work resulted to better services and more public knowledge and acceptance of those in the spectrum.

I highly recommend this book.

Photo below from this site.


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