Infinitude: Omnipresent
The last topic in the Infinitude preaching series is Omnipresent. God created everything but is apart from His creation. He sustains everything by His word. Jeremiah 23:23-24 "Am I only a God nearby," declares the LORD, "and not a God far away? Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?" declares the LORD. "Do not I fill heaven and earth?" declares the LORD. In the Old Testament, God instructed the Israelites to create the tabernacle where God can physically dwell with the people. The people rebelled by worshiping idols so God withdrew His presence from them. But Moses implored for God to remain with them as they journey to the promised land. Exodus 33:15-17 Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other peop