Neil Notes 2010

I will tag all posts about Neil 'Neil Notes' and this is offering #1.  

  • Sa-miling is smiling for you and me. =)  What he does is face you and say "sa-miling" and give you a big smile.  Ahhh...
  • Ayk Dis is also a new one.  He faces you, says Ayk Dis (with occasional voice changes) and makes a face and he waits for you to copy the face.  Repeat!
  • Wow, nice! is what he says when he sees something he likes.  More predictably, he says this after you change his shirt or shorts, even if they are pambahay.
  • We used to play Bible songs for children a lot when Neil was younger.  In the past months, they somehow got replaced by videos.  Just this week, we played them again and I was surprised that he kind of knows the words and melody.  He sings to them!  I think he knew them all along but just didn't know how to speak/sing yet.  Amazing!

This is really for me because I tend to forget at what age he does things...  There will be more to come, because the boy is doing a lot of new things lately.


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