RCBC Photo Contest Finalist

February 2010 will be remembered as the month when I joined a photo contest (excluding online, "like" contests).  RCBC sponsored the contest in celebration of its 10th year anniversary and tenants were invited to join.  The theme was RCBC: Still Nothing Comes Close.

So we knew it had to be shots of the building.  I had about 2 weeks to get the shot.  I actually walked around the building, noticed the details, and studied what might make a good subject.  Then one morning, I looked out the window and saw a guy cleaning the glass ceiling.  I took a picture and although I knew it was not very sharp (lens constraints) I submitted it because I also knew it would stand out just because no one else will have that shot.

I was right. =)  The photo below was chosen as one of the finalists.  Happy!  Not bad for a first timer, eh?
Thank you, God!  

I was not around to see the exhibit at the RCBC lobby though because that was on the same week as the Atlanta trip.  

The one below is my second entry.

Other photos.


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