In-Flight Movies

I took a business trip to the Atlanta from September 8-15 to attend the our department's meeting.  Before I blog about the fun details of that trip, here's a round-up of all the movies I saw on the plane.  I believe this is a personal record for a round trip - 9 movies in all!

I do not watch a lot of movies on land =) -- the movies passes I received months ago remain unused -- so I took advantage of being sequestered by Korean Air to improve my very poor 2012 movie count.  Here's the list!

I was really excited to see this on the list.  I saw the trailer months ago and I got really interested but also resigned myself to the reality that I may not be able to see it.  I'm not even sure if this was shown in Manila.  Charming, like most British movies of this genre.

An unlikely Disney story with excellent animation.

Another collaboration between Johnny Depp and Tim Burton.

A classic added into the mix of recent favorites.  Chariots of Fire won Best Picture in the 1981 Oscars.    I wish there was an easy way to get my hands on the classics like Netflix...

I surprisingly liked this movie!  Apart from the fact that it's animated, everything else worked.=)

A dark retelling of the fairy tale Snow White.

And the lighter version.

I am not really into alien movies, sci-fi in general, but this one was directed by Ridley Scott who made one of my favorite movies of all time, Gladiator.


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