Storytelling at Neil's School

Last Monday, Richard and I were guests at Neil's school.  It's Parents' Week and the school invited parents into the classroom to tell stories, talk about their work, sports, anything!  Even without having a solid idea about what to do, Richard and I signed up.  And I was really excited! =)

We were going back and forth about what to do.  Badminton came up.  We thought of wearing sports attire, bringing the gear and doing a quick demo of the game.  It sounded too complicated.  Then I thought we can use the Veggietales book I bought at the Atlanta airport (bought just to get change for the taxi).  It's entitled 'God Made You Special.'

We wanted to bring the real vegetables and then introduce them to the kids (Rich's part) before going into the story (my part).  A few of the veggies were quite easy to find like asparagus, carrot, cucumber, tomato, grape and blueberry.  The gourd was the most challenging and there were 3 of them in the story!  We were able to find them in Rustan's on Sunday night.  We were all set.

Rich and I just did a quick run-through in the car, then presented to the kids.  I can't tell you how much I really enjoyed the experience.  It's great to have an audience that is really engaged, interested and enthusiastic!  You can still see the wonder in their expressions.  It's precious.  I hope that we adults remember to approach life with a similar attitude.

After the story, we had the kids approach the table in groups so they can touch and smell the props.=)

With the teachers and the whole class.

We got this card signed by all the kids.

One of the best mornings I've had.


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