Daniela at 9 Months

Ela turned 9 months old on Monday! I missed posting about her 8th month so this is a 2-in-1. Her doctor's visit was today and current stats are:
  • Height: 2' 2" (25th percentile)
  • Weight: 16 lbs 13 oz (25th percentile)
  • Head Circumference: 50% percentile
No shots today, just general developmental assessment. She's doing ok on most milestones except for the talking part. She's not yet saying consonant sounds but we hope it will be soon. Neil talked/read really early and we have to remember that babies develop at their own pace.
  • She was drooling a lot around 8 months and we thought she was teething but so far, no teeth yet.
  • She likes most food we give her. The only thing she was averse to was turkey.
  • She is fascinated by the tags on clothes, pillows, etc. She plays with them and inevitably puts them in her mouth.
  • We got her a walker and she has enjoyed cruising around the living room by herself.
  • She can walk while holding on to the railing on her crib or the sofa. Needless to say, she's an expert crawler.
  • She's really sensitive to sound. We have to be extra quiet especially if she's about to sleep because she would be roused even by whispers.


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