Winter Break Activities - Baking Cookies and Scrabble

Neil had 2 weeks of school break for the holidays. If we let him decide, he'll be happy spending most of his time the iPad playing Minecraft or watching Youtube videos of people playing Minecraft. So we had to turn his attention to more worthwhile activities. He's read some of the books we borrowed from the school library and he also completed Eye Level worksheets. He also attended 2 days of karate sparring camp which was from 10AM - 2PM.

But we also introduced him to two new activities - Scrabble and baking cookies.

Baking Cookies
At school, they made these pre-mix of cookie ingredients and brought them home for Christmas. We simply added butter and eggs before baking.

Neil posted the picture below to his Instagram account. I love his captions: "I made those cookies on a cookie sheet. I made those with my mother."

Finished product! We all liked the cookies. While sweets would normally sit on the shelf for weeks at our house, these were gone in less than a week.

We baked the first batch for Christmas and did it again for New Year. I'm not an avid baker so this is something new for me as well. I'm glad to report that it's really quick and easy and something we could do again anytime we feel like it.

I also introduced Neil to Scrabble. He's naturally interested in words so I was hoping he would easily understand and enjoy the game. We bought the Retro set and it brought back memories of playing the game with family when I was young.

For the first game, it was all about learning the rules. After two days, he asked if we could play again (which really pleased me!) so we tackled scoring. He sat through ~2 hours on both occasions.=)

Our first game.

He posted the picture below on his IG: "Today my mom and me played with my second scrabble game, and my mom won the second scrabble game! I got 264 points and mom has 287 points! My scrabble was great! Mom posted my first scrabble game - see mom's picture."

He also posted our scorecard: "This is the back of a printed paper which is folded. I and my mom put our scrabble board game scores on the folded paper - we told our scores at the first second scrabble board game photo - we didn't told my scores at my first scrabble game. At my first scrabble board game, we played up to 10:00 and after that, my mom said time flies when your having fun."

Looking forward to more Scrabble games with Neil.


  1. Yey to baking! Cupcakes are as easy as cookies too :)
    Nice that Neil is enjoying Scrabble, it's another activity away from the gadgets =)


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