In with the New

I'm an avid note-taker.  I just like writing stuff down for remembrance.  I use a planner all year to keep track of our family activities and I have recently used them as scrapbook of sorts.

One of my pleasurable tasks at the end of the year is picking a planner for the new year.  For 2012, there was no question.  I was going for the Starbucks planner which I first saw from this post on Animetric's World.  I like the size, cover and page layouts.  So starting in November, I had Starbucks coffee almost everyday and even suffered the Christmas drinks which were too sweet and fancy for my taste.

I got my planner on December 2, after which I was back to P5 coffee from the vending machine.=)  Now I am starting to fill it up with 2012 things.  I pray that this will be a productive year full of meaningful events and breakthroughs.=)


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