Hooray for Happiness

There are two current TV ads that I really like- Coke's Lolo Mario ad and McDonald's Hooray for Today ad.  I love the positive messaging.  We all could use more of it not only in TV, but more importantly in real life.

You don't have to look far or hard to see people who are not having the best day.  In my daily walk to work, I see people who seem to be annoyed at the simplest things.  They hate having to wait for the traffic light to change so they can cross the street.  They hate it when somebody ahead of the line has multiple huge bags that will take longer for the guard to check.  They are annoyed while waiting for the elevator.  Are we so impatient to get to where we need to be such that every little delay is an annoyance?  Hahay...  And it's not just about waiting.  Just listen to the conversations around.  There's a lot of complaining, gossiping, etc.  Sometimes, I just feel like shaking people and saying, "Huy!"

There are things we cannot change so it's no use getting annoyed by them.  Talo ka.  And then there are things we can change, more reason not to get annoyed by them, no?  Do something.  And really, we are in control of our attitudes all the time and have the power to steer it towards positivity.  Why choose the opposite?

Like what Lolo Mario said, life is short.  Even 100 years just goes by if you spend it with people you love, doing something you love.  So I try to be positive everyday and if you ever see me go the other way, feel free to say, "Huy!" and I'll know what you mean.=)


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