Neil at 5

Neil celebrated his birthday last month and these are the things he's been up to since turning 5.

He likes to asks what's inside something continuously until we get to the cellular/atomic level.=)  For example
"What's inside the cloud?"  "Water droplets."
"Inside the water droplets?"  "Water molecules."
"Inside the water molecules?"  "Hydrogen and oxygen atoms."
"Inside the hydrogen and oxygen atoms?"  "Nothing. That's the smallest!"
We've done so many of these -- earth, sun, neck, head, etc. =)

Nowadays he answers "because I like it" or "because I want it" if we ask him why he did something or why he wants something. Or "because I don't like it" otherwise.

Neil reminds Rich to wear his seatbelt by verbally insisting until the seatbelt warning light turns off. "Daddy, it's red! It's red! Wear your seatbelt!"

In the past months, he would insist that I hold his hand when we use the escalator because he believes the graphic on the side is "Neil and mommy."  You can't get him to step on the escalator if we're not holding hands, which I enjoyed.=)  He just started relaxing this personal rule and would now go ahead of Rich and me.

"I will do this, ok?" and "Because I'm 5 years old."  There are some things he would insist doing by himself because he's 5.  I love it!  We have been milking capitalizing on this statement as well, to encourage him to start/stop doing some things.=)

He's more adventurous at trying things, particularly food.  He just started liking spaghetti in the last month or so.  He tried carbonara and pancit canton for the first time and liked them as well.

The kid surprised me with his spelling skills a few days ago.  He was asking questions about my mole and out of the blue, I asked him to spell mole.  He said "m-o-l-e" with no pauses.  Same with other words like nose, bed, etc.  I asked him to spell "look" and he started with "l-u-.." I was about to say it was wrong but he finished with "k-e". Luke is his cousin's name.  Tama din.=)

He's also interested in language these days.  He would suggest "let's speak in Tagalog" and he ask for the translation of English words.  He also knows some Chinese words from school and the Mandarin app on the iPad.

Five is fun!


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