Weekend Recap: May 28-29

Last weekend was family weekend in more ways than one.

Saturday's main event was the Theo Luis' baptism.  He's Joy and Erick's son, and now Richard's godson.  The baptism was at the St Andrew the Apostle Parish in Makati, followed by reception at Racks in Magallanes Square.

At the church

On Sunday, we attended the 10AM service at VCF Fort.  We had lunch back at the house and attended the family day celebration at Makati Sports Club, sponsored by Richard's company.  It was a grand carnival-themed party!  They had a LOT of food, games and prizes, entertainers (acrobats, magic show, balloon guy, guy on stilts), face painting, princess salon for the girls and free massage for the adults.  Great afternoon.

The downside?  I did not bring my camera.  So all we have is this picture from the photobooth.


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