Alice in Wonderland by Repertory Philippines

We watched the play 'Alice in Wonderland' at Greenbelt 1 today, with the rest of Neil's schoolmates and parents in attendance.  The show was scheduled to start at 2:30PM and we were just waking up from our afternoon nap at 2:05!  We had to carry Neil to the car, still sleeping, and made it just in time before the show started.  All's well that ends well!

This was a visual spectacle.  I loved the set and costumes.  They were very creative and well-executed.  I read the book and I was curious about how they would present the scenes as a play (e.g. Alice shrinking and growing, falling down the rabbit hole) but it was all done seamlessly. Picture-taking was not allowed so I scanned a couple of pages from the from the souvenir program.  Needless to say, the vocals and acting were great, too.  This is Repertory Philippines after all.=)

I recommend Alice in Wonderland for children of all ages.

Cover of the souvenir program

After the show, Neil kept singing "I'm mad. You're mad. We're all mad here." The play included audience participation and this was the song taught to the audience.

Everyone wanted to get pictures with the cast after the play.

We got one with the Mock Turtle.

We had snacks at Toast Box after the show and walked around Greenbelt before heading home.


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