Neil at 3 7/14

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Neil's is 3 and 7/12 today and his biggest accomplishment for this month is... drinking from a cup!

Until 3 years old, he was drinking almost exclusively from the bottle.  We've been trying to transition him to the cup even before he turned 3 but he just didn't like it.  We've even gone to the route of not giving him anything from the bottle thinking he'll get thirsty enough but we budge (from worries of dehydration) before he does.  But we persisted and he also started to be more open about trying.  He's not yet an expert but we will get there.=)

Here's a sampling of the sippie cups we bought, hoping to find the spout/size/character that he would like.  


We recently sold his stroller and carseat.  It was hard to let go but we have to be practical because they take up too much space in the condo.  I hope the new owners will be able to use them as much as we did.

Neil used the carseat right on the day we took him home from the hospital.

At 3 months old and few days ago.


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