Neil is 4!

The most important event from last weekend was Neil's birthday.  Our little boy turned 4 last Saturday!=) We had a few friends join us for lunch at the condo and then we all went to Seriland at the Manila Ocean Park.

I did a little decorating the night before and this greeted the boy when he woke up.=)

Richard, Neil and I went to the Salcedo Park, North Park and Max's to buy food for lunch.

Food! Cake courtesy of the Hintos.

After lunch, we let the kids play a little bit at the playground.

Then we were off to Seriland.

Seriland is located in the second level of the Manila Ocean Park building.  We used the vouchers I bought months ago.  Attractions include Mirror Maze, 3D Theater, Trick Art Museum and a play area.

We spent the most time at the Trick Art Museum, then let the kids play some more at the play area.

Trampoline + Neil = Happy

He didn't like the sound from this contraption at the start but once he figured out how to play with it, he was fine.

Winding down with Daddy.  Manila Bay in the background.

It was already evening when we left Seriland.  We had dinner back at the condo with Caloy and Eli and called it a day.

Happy birthday, Neil!!! Mommy and Daddy love you.=)


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