Exercise and Accountability
I have exercised 2x per week consistently in the last 4 weeks. Yey!!! =) This is the longest time that I've stuck to a regular exercise schedule. I intended to do this so many times in the past but was unable to persist for longer than a week. The difference this time? I got myself an accountability partner. Four weeks ago, I asked Nang Lani* to check on me every Monday and Wednesday and ask if I exercised. That has really helped. I know I would feel really bad (like failing at something) if I reported a 'No' and so I forced myself to move. Some occasions were easier than others with regards to motivation but all days have ended with rewards of sweat and good energy. I see the light now. I believe it's really possible for me to stick to an exercise schedule. Also, scheduling actual days to do it has helped. Setting aside Monday and Wednesday is better than planning for 2x per week. If the days are movable, it also becomes easier to move it indefinitely, s