July 2013 Photo-a-Day Part 1

I'm following the daily prompts from FatMumSlim.=)

July 15. Outside the window. View from the office

July 14. Edible. Neil's birthday cake.

July 13. 4 O'Clock. He ate spaghetti! Breakthrough. =)

July 12. A bad habit.  I can easily mess up a desk.

July 11. I wore this!

July 10. Smooth. The newly revived iPad.

July 9. Three things. New posters on the wall. 

July 7. Where you are. Church, Pastor Jeff demonstrating a point.

July 6. Fave smell. Bagong ligong bata =)

July 5. Love. Love nurtures. Saw this family under a car.

July 4. Red, white or blue

July 3. Cold.  This office is cold!

July 2. Shoes.  New office shoes made in Marikina.

July 1. Happiness Is...


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