Saturday in Alabang

We were in Alabang on July 13, day before Neil's birthday, for several appointments.  He had his regular dental checkup at Asian Hospital and I'm happy to report that there are no new cavities since his last visit.=) One big front tooth is a bit loose and the dentist thinks he might lose it in 6 months.  I hope it stays in longer. I'm not ready!

We also scheduled an impromptu appointment with the orthopedic doctor for Neil because he was saying his right leg was 'owie' and he's not able to run and walked with a little limp.  It was a quick checkup, the doctor just told us there was nothing to worry about.  Maybe just a bruise since there was no problem with the range of motion.

Then we went to Festival Mall to meet his Ninong Caloy, Ninang Charm and Kuya Eli.  Neil was asleep though so he did not really get to see them.  Btw, he finally ate and liked spaghetti!  Breakthrough.=)  We also had his birthday banner printed and while waiting, we bought some party hats and let him go on the bump cars three times.  He was going straight for the walls on his first try because that's what he does on the iPad so the attendants had to help him several times.  We explained that it shouldn't be done in real life and he did a lot better on the next 2 rounds.=)

After teeth cleaning

Waiting for the ortho

Spaghetti at Pizza Hut. He ate it!

Asleep at Pizza Hut during his non-negotiable nap time. He is unlike other kids who can stay awake if there's a lot going on. I love these moments.

Awake for the Races!

Get Set!


And here's a video of Neil having a blast.  Please excuse the overeager coaches/parents shouting in the background. =)


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