God's Not Dead by Rice Broocks

God's Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty is a new book written by Rice Broocks, one of the founders of Every Nation Church.  I read the first few paragraphs at the church bookstore, bought it and eagerly read the whole thing the next few days.  I love this book.  Pastor Broocks explains everything in a straightforward, matter-of-fact way.  He explores the usual arguments by leading atheists and then presents the answers or proofs of God for each of them.  In the Philippines, we are rarely confronted by atheistic arguments and having to defend our faith.  Majority are brought up knowing about God, go to church and have an environment of people with the same general beliefs.  But exposing ourselves to the arguments of those who see things differently, like what this book does, forces us to study more and examine more, which can lead to stronger faith.  According to Dr. Broocks, "Real faith isn’t blind, it’s evidence-based. And there’s an astounding amount of evidence that God’s not dead."

I am interested in matters of faith, which is also why I bought this book.  I believe that faith in God and the hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ frees us from the worries and fears and concerns of living in this world, even if there are seemingly hopeless situations as seen in the news or in the challenges that we face everyday.

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)


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