VG Christmas Parties

Early in 2013, Richard and I started getting involved in a church group (Victory Group).  We meet weekly to connect and study the Bible. We talk and share about different things, usually taking off from topic of that week's preaching in church.  When you regularly meet with people to discuss the "more serious" things, share struggles and blessings, and encourage and pray for one another, the relationship grows faster and deeper than other settings where these are not usually done. Getting linked up to a VG is one of our family's blessings last year.

Last December, we attended 2 Christmas parties with people from the VG. Pictures below!

December 7, 2013. Combined VGs party held at a Makati village clubhouse.
(All photos from this day were from others' cameras.)

December 14, 2013. The smaller party for our Friday VG.
(Photos 7, 8, 10 are from others' cameras.)

This is Lizbeth, the person I was blessed to sit beside during Kids' Church orientation. She invited me to join this VG and the rest is history.

The post-party get-together at Ayala Triangle Gardens.


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