Daniela - Month 4 Updates

Daniela turned 4 months old last week. She had her regular check-up yesterday and the currents stats are:
Height: 2 ft (50th percentile)
Weight: 13 lbs 11 oz in weight (35th percentile)

She was scheduled for 2 shots + 1 oral vaccine today but we decided to space it out. One shot today and the other shot + oral vaccine on Thursday. She was fussy and inconsolable the last time we did multiple shots so we hope she takes it better this time.

Daniela is now an expert at rolling from back to front and vv. She enjoys tummy time for extended periods now. She has recently taken to sucking her fingers. I know she should not get used to this but it soothes her especially when she's about to sleep or gets roused. She's very attentive to people and sounds and she likes to be carried upright to see things. She's on my lap or Richard's when we eat and seems to be interested in big people food. So we're watching out for other signs to start solids.

We've packed away her newborn and most of the 3-month clothes. Always a bittersweet thing, even for Neil. They grow up too fast for my liking.

A bit of picture overload since I skipped posting about her third month.

A friend commented on Fb that Ela looks like a Cabbage Patch doll here.



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