30 Rock

30 Rock rocks! I did not watch this show when it was airing live, started watching it on Netflix during my ML. It took 4+ months but Rich and I finally completed all 7 seasons today. As far as I can remember, it's the only long-running show I watched from start to finish. I've had other favorites but my interest somehow wears off and I eventually don't even bother knowing how they end. Not 30 Rock though. It's my kind of funny and kept me laughing episode after episode, which is a gift at the end of a long day.

The last episode was especially touching. It tied characters/plotlines together in a fitting final episode for TGS. Thank you Liz Lemon, Tracy, Jenna, Jack, Kenneth, etc! 

And thank you, Tina Fey, for bringing this show to life.=)


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