How to Raise Up a Moses

VCF had a 2-week preaching series a few weeks ago entitled NXT Generation.  The first topic, "What Do You See?" was very meaningful to me because it was about parenting.

By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict. (Hebrews 11:23)

We know Moses.  He was adopted by Pharoah's daughter, educated as a member of the royal family, and yet let go of all these personal 'benefits' to lead the slaved Israelites towards the Promised Land.  He was the leader of 600,000 men (plus women and children). He was faithful and communicated with God personally.  Today, Moses would be referred to as The Man!

Moses' life did not start easy,  During his time, it was mandated that all baby boys born to the Israelites be thrown into the Nile.  Moses' parents defied the king's edict by keeping him alive because "they saw he was no ordinary child."

How do we see our kids?  We love them, of course.  But in the everyday, do we stop and think that they could be influential people someday?  This was a revelation for me.  While we hope and pray that our kids will grow up to be well-adjusted, independent, God-fearing (and a host of other good qualities) we sometimes miss the big picture.  The future politicians, businessmen, future-shapers are those little people who make a mess at the dinner table, who need to be potty-trained and who wake us up before we are ready.  They also say "Hi Mommy" or "Thank you, Daddy" or ask for big hugs. Ahhh... The big picture is that we have been entrusted with these gems called children.  So help us God.


Moses' parents hid him for a time, all the while defying the king and in constant danger of being punished for it.  When they could no longer hide him, they put him in a basket in the Nile where the Pharoah's daughter adopted him as her son...

How are we protecting our kids?  In these modern times, kids are exposed to a lot of influences from practically everywhere.  Protecting them, means disciplining, guiding, teaching and even depriving them of some of the things they ask for.  As parents, we should be discerning of the things that are beneficial or harmful to them.  It is making sure that we help equip them so they are confident and able to make the right decisions when they are on their own.


Moses' parents could have chosen to take the "safe" route and obey the king.  They chose otherwise.  They were not motivated by fear but by faith.

After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel. (Judges 2:10)

The generation of Israelites who left Egypt saw miracles and wonders from God.  And yet, the generation that followed did not know these or the Lord.  As parents, it is important to share the stories of God's faithfulness to children.  In the beginning, they might believe because we believe but when the time comes that they experience a provision, healing or blessing, they would know that God is the giver and it will strengthen their own faith...


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