Lessons Learned from Taking PUVs

I came across a post from Zen Habits entitled Lessons We’re Learning Riding Mass Transit.  Check it out.  It's an interesting list of the things the author, Leo Babauta, learned by relying on public transportation...

I can relate to this because for more than a year, we gave up owning a car.  We were taking the jeep, bus and taxi to where we needed to be.  And with a baby in tow.

It was not always easy or convenient but we made it through months of 'carlessness', together as a family.  Some people would think this is unbearable, especially with a toddler, but we made it work.  Admittedly, I sometimes thought we weren't doing right by Neil when we had to sometimes walk under the rain to get to the bus stations.  (We were still attending church in Alabang and would take the bus to and from Makati.  We had to walk from Festival Mall to Star Mall where the buses were.)  But it was his own demeanor that told us it's ok.  He was enjoying it, and would intently look out the window while we pointed things out to him.

I believe it was a good family bonding experience to be carless, even for just a season...

Clockwise from top left. (1) Neil's first jeepney ride, October 2009; (2) In Iligan, Dec 2009; (3) Check out the mirror! February 2010; (4) Looking out the bus window, September 2010.

Taking the tricycle in Bohol, May 2011.


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