Tree Walk at UP

UP is one of my favorite places in the world... I don't get to visit as often as I would like so if there's a good reason to go , I would.  Like yesterday!

Em and I joined the Philippine Native Plant Conservation Society, Inc. on a walking tour around UP to get to know native trees.  Assembly area was at the Quezon Hall at 9AM.  Before the tour, there was a short talk about what's native, endemic, etc.  We were shown a picture of UP when it was established and there were no trees at all.  That made me appreciate more all the trees we have on campus now...

Who knew so many people were interested?
Photo from the PNPCSI Facebook page.

There were professors, students, landscape architects, enthusiasts, old and young.  I heard more scientific names in the first hour than the last few years combined.  People were taking notes, too. I loved this  exercise (mental and physical).

My key takeaway from the tour: We use a lot of non-native trees in Philippine landscaping but our native Philippine trees are as beautiful and more typhoon-resilient than the 'imported trees.'  We should be promoting and using them more...

Richard and Neil followed and we brought his bike and we went around UP.

After UP, we had lunch at one of our most frequented places in the olden days - Ken Afford along Katipunan.  The buko pandan shake is still a winner!  We had sisig, stir-fried vegetables and fish with tofu in tausi sauce.  Good lunch!

Then we drove back to Makati for siesta. =)


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