Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Purple Cow by Seth Godin
Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

I first learned about Purple Cow from a few photographer-entrepreneurs that I follow on Google Reader.  I couldn't find it locally so I bought a copy from Ebay US, had it shipped to my sister's address in CA and she shipped it to me.  Long way!

I just finished reading it.  Eye-opening, straightforward book about what it takes to succeed in this new economy where almost everything has been invented and old-school advertising are not as effective.  Purple cow simply means being remarkable.  Whatever your business may be, how are you standing out?  Purple cows are easy to spot.  Aside from carving a niche (size is irrelevant), they have very loyal followers referred to by the author as sneezers who will gladly tell others about the product.

I highly recommended this book. =)


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