Sony DSC-WX9

It's been a while since we bought a new gadget.  I've long wanted a Flip, a new phone, and a couple of lenses for the SLR.  Then I ask, "Do I really need this?" and the answer has been "No."  Yes, I talk to myself. =)

Last weekend, I finally got a new Sony point-and-shoot.  Yey!  The SLR is still working (needs cleaning though) but it is just too bulky for everyday use.  I always want to have a camera with me, and I just can't bring the SLR for what-if situations.  I take it for events, photoshoots but for more informal, ad hoc moments, a small camera is more practical.  I read somewhere that "the best camera in the world is the one you have with you" and I agree.  This is one good camera that I can definitely take with me all the time.

Richard and I chose the Sony DSC-WX9.  It's fast and can record HD video.  Once you've gone SLR, the speed of most compact cameras will be a disappointment.  This one however, is really good in that respect.  I've taken only a few shots with this camera but so far, so good.

Here it is!

Photo from CNET.COM


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