Neil's End-of-Sem Costume Pageant

Friday was Neil's last school day for the semester and they had to come in costumes for pageant.

We were remiss in getting him a new costume this year so we recycled his costume from last year.  Go green!  His Perseus costume was a DIY project lovingly done by Richard and me.  It actually fits him better now. =)

Waiting for the show to start.

They were made to walk on stage and a runway.  While the point-and-shoot is pretty fast at shooting, it takes a while to process a shot.  There's a lag before you can take the next one so I only have 2 photos of Neil on the runway and they're not very good. :( Lesson learned.  Bring the SLR next time.

The kids watched The Flintstones after the pageant while votes for best in costume were being tallied.  A boy in Jack Sparrow costume and a girl in a pumpkin suit won the awards.  

They were made to walk the runway again after getting loot bags, which was great because I get another chance on the pictures.

And another one after people started leaving.

He gets the next two weeks off before the second semester starts on November 7.


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