Inspiration: Art and Music at Home

I was at Starbucks waiting for Neil's class to end.  I picked up a couple of magazines, on of which was Celebrity Living, October 2011 issue.

There's an article on Barbie Almalbis and Martin Honasan's home in Marikina.  I love their house!  It has a lot of elements that I would like to have as well - art, music, books and a photo wall.  I took photos for future reference.

Barbie has a collection of guitars and I like how they are functionally displayed in the space below.. (Side note: The neck of the old guitar I got in college broke months ago and it was irreparable so I had to let it go.  I want a new one.  Rich, are you reading this?)

Martin is an artist and their house is equipped with a studio.  When this article was written, he was still working on his first one-man exhibit (Digging in the Dirt) which we were able to see at the Power Plant Mall.  (Side note #2: Art/painting another favorite hobby but I haven't engaged in it in years.  Not to say that I'm great, just really interested!  I like checking out art supplies at the bookstore, imagining space and time where I would have the privilege of creating again.  Something to look forward to.)

Another element, which I also love is this photo wall.  I am inspired to create something similar in the condo. 

I like lived in, not too formal spaces with many personal elements that really represent the homeowners and this is definitely that kind of house.


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