Product Study Test Subject

I participated in a study by VMV to test a new anti-acne product.  I've dropped by their clinic for the past 5 Thursdays and today was my last visit.  I'm officially done.  I agreed to participate simply because it's a new experience to try.  Also, it's VMV, a reputable brand.  I have used a couple of their products before and I liked them.

After the initial consult to see if I was a good subject, I was given a tube of product to be applied 2x per day.  There were weekly consultations with the dermatologist to check for any negative effects.  The nurse then took pictures and measured four areas on the face for redness, darkening, oiliness and moisture loss using different equipment.  It doesn't take long... They then gave P50 transportation allowance per visit.

I liked the product.  It goes on the skin very smoothly and is unscented (I don't like strong scents).  It lightened the acne scars on my forehead.  I also did not get any breakouts even with the general lack of sleep from the past weeks.  The nurse told me that my initial reading for oiliness was 11, today it was 1.  Nice.=)

I learned about this study from my sister Em (she also took part) who's friend is in the aesthetics industry.  Richard participated as well but we didn't always go for consultation together because of work schedules.

It is a simple exercise but an exercise nonetheless for saying yes to new things and following through.  There were times when I was tempted to skip the weekly consultation, especially if Richard can't make it  but I went anyway.  It's good to have done it.

The End.


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