New Bike!

Rich bought Neil a new bike last week and the kid has been enjoying it very much.  It has been a while since he's biked.  He outgrew the Lightning McQueen one we bought him when he was about 2.  We've been checking out bigger bikes at the mall but they were too expensive.  Rich decided to go to Cartimar one morning while I was at work and came home with this reasonably priced bike.  

Here are a few pictures from Sunday.

I love this next series.  I asked Neil to make faces, I take the shot and he would run to me so he can see the picture.  And repeat!

I did not realize how much enjoyment this boy gets out of biking.  He was pedaling around until it got dark.  I'm glad Rich insisted we buy him a new bike and that we got it for a good price.  The lesson, venture out of the malls kse mahal sila!


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