VG Summer Outing in Pampanga

Our VG (VCF small group/cell group) spent the weekend in Pampanga for some family summer bonding.  There were 5 families + 2 singles in attendance, 12 adults + 9 kids.  We had lunch at C+L's place in Pampanga before heading to King's Royale where we spent the rest of the weekend for R&R.

All the guys

Us girls, missing 1

Wave pool on break

Night swimming with Daddy

Kids = Cartoon Network

Morning swimming with Mommy

Group photo before heading back to Manila

Neil Moments:
-  The adults were amused that Neil liked sweeping the floors, walls, chairs, etc. both at the house and resort villa.  He saw the broom and asked "can I get the sweep?" =)  It was more entertaining than useful because he sweeps in different directions.
-  This is Neil's first time to spend overnight with this many kids.  He wasn't very interactive with them yet.  We plan to take him to the regular Friday VG meetings so he will know the other kids better, get comfortable and learn to interact more.
-  I'm really happy that he ate so well on this trip.  By that I meant he wasn't picky, stayed at the table to finish his food and ate by himself.  We had sinigang for dinner, which he eats at home, but this one had a lot more kick in the flavor.  He would make a face after each spoonful but ate the whole plate anyway!


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