FAQ: What is God's Will?

Knowing God's will is always an interesting topic for many, including me.  This came out top in a survey done by the church about what subjects people want to hear about in the preaching.  We want to know so we can align our decisions and actions to God's will.  This series will run for 3 weeks - What is God's will?  How do we know God's will?  How do we obey God's will?

What is God's will?

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

Good, pleasing and perfect is from God's perspective.  This is why it says 'be transformed by the renewing of your mind' because it is important to realize and acknowledge that and not struggle when things don't go our way. 

We can classify the will of God into three -- providential, moral and personal.  God's providential will will happen whether we pray for it or not, like the coming of the Messiah, or Abraham becoming the father of many nations, or Moses freeing the Israelites from Egypt.  God's moral will are the commandments, the do's and don'ts.  Thou shall not kill, for instance.  And then there's God's personal will, specific to our lives.

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. (Ephesians 1:11-12)

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

...everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory
whom I formed and made. (Isaiah 43:7)

His glory, his purpose.  God's will for us is to live lives that glorify him.  The beauty in this is that it can happen even in poverty or wealth, health or sickness, whatever our personal circumstances are... Knowing this and embracing this can make life infinitely better for us because then we don't have to struggle with 'why me?' questions.  We can renew our minds and instead ask, how can I glorify God in my situation?


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