April 2012 Photo-a-Day Part 4

April 23. Vegetable.  This is Apan-Apan , a vegetable dish we ordered during team dinner at XO 46.  It was quite a walk to this restaurant but the ambience, food and company was worth it.

April 24. Something you're grateful for.  How appropriate that I get this challenge today, our 7th wedding anniversary.  I edited the wedding photo below and posted it on Facebook.  Most liked and commented post so far, which brings me to two more things I am grateful for, friends and technology that bridge distance and time.

April 25. Looking down.  View from the 28th floor of the office building.

April 26. Black and white.  I rarely shoot in monochrome.  Most of my black and white photos were taken originally in color, then processed in the PC.  For this challenge, I committed to shooting in true black and white.  I love how this turned out.

April 27. Somewhere you went.  I went to a final meeting with the boss at the office.  It's his last day in the company because he's moving to another job.

April 28. 1 PM.  Sleeping boys.

April 29. Circle.  Blueberry pancakes at Pancake House.

April 30. Something that makes you sad.  It's a hot day again today and I stayed in the shade while waiting to cross the street.  The heat in itself does not make me sad (in fact, I like it) but the bigger issues of climate change and environmental degradation do.

The final tally for April: 27/30


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