The Hunger Games

Who hasn't seen The Hunger Games?  Even Richard and I, who rarely go to the cinema (less than 5 in 4 years), made time last Sunday to see this movie. I read The Hunger Games and Catching Fire early 2011 and I was really looking forward to the movie.  Rich finished the first book just before Sunday.

I booked our tickets online because we know the cinemas will be packed.  We chose the afternoon showing because it's after church and also Neil's nap time.=) Yep, that's how we plan these mini-getaways. Minimal impact to weekend time with Neil.



My verdict: It's a very good book-to-movie adaptation.  They were able to capture the emotions especially in the pivotal scenes like the the reaping.  However, I think it could have been technically cleaner - better cinematography and preferably less shaky camera work.  I know the latter must be for effect (pov of Seam resident?) but it distracts instead of enhances the movie.  There are also too many tight shots in my opinion.  Richard said the next one should be better because they'll get a bigger budget since the first one is a hit.  Looking forward to that!

I finished reading Mockingjay last week.  Somebody did not do his/her job right on this book...How can you get the author's name wrong? :S


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