April 2012 Photo-a-Day Part 3

April 17. Something you don't like.  Ah, so annoying especially since I was trying to get in touch with Mommy to address their visa-related questions.  I got this connection error more than 5 times (!) which is why I was able to capture a photo.  At least I have something for the project no?

April 18. Hair. I haven't cut my hair since late 2010.  I need a change but it's hard to go to the suking salon in QC without a car...

April 19. Orange. I was on my way to dinner thinking of anything orange I might find at home.  I realized how few orange things we see in nature, at least here in Manila.  I recalled the orange that has been in the ref for at least 2 weeks and decided that was going to be my subject.  When I got home, I found more orange things. Ah, the things you notice just by paying more attention!  So I don't have 1 or 2, but 3 orange things here.=)

April 20. Something you drew. So unfortunate that I don't have a photo from this day.  I was actually looking forward to it and thought I would do a new project just for this challenge but then things got busy and I just did not have time to make one... One miss for this week.

April 21. Bottle. Richard surprised me last week with this water bottle - a Kor!  We checked this out over a year ago but it was a bit expensive for a water bottle.  I asked him why he picked green. He said, "Maganda naman di ba? Para maiba."  And I agreed. After a while, he admitted it was on sale and green was the only color left. Haha!

April 22.  The last thing you bought.  I qualify this as something non-edible. I finally bought new earphones because the ones that came with the iPod has disintegrated, a long time ago.  It's been a while since I've listened to music regularly and I remember it used to cheer me up especially at work.  I bought this with the prize I won from playing badminton in the office tournament last year, which was awarded just last week...


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