Offline Journal

After reading The Happiness Project, I reexamined my reservations about keeping a journal.  I mean the offline kind, writing unedited thoughts on paper for an audience of one.   I have never formally kept a journal which is uncharacteristic for someone who likes notebooks and pens and writing a lot.  I would sometimes write random stuff down but throw them away afterwards, after tearing the pages into little pieces to make sure they are unreadable.

The closest I've probably come to journaling is my old blog on blog-city, in the early 2000s.  I was a lot more open and carefree with what I posted then and was undaunted even if I knew friends read them.  Then blog-city became a paid service and I discontinued it.

So, what about this blog? I censor myself here and really prefer to keep the site mostly drama-free.  So it's not the whole picture.  We have a normal life and by that I mean we have struggles, disappointments, and not-so-good days, too, but I have decided that this is not the place for sharing them.

I believe it's important for self-discovery and growth to process all facets of human emotions and experiences and one way to go about it is by writing.  So I have resolved to start a journal.  I bought a notebook last Saturday and enjoyed the delicious dilemma of choosing the one.=)

Some inspirations...
I was looking for images for 'journal' on Google and was led to this post which discussed the pros and cons of jounaling longhand or digitally.  How timely.=)

Journal entry from Indiejane Photography (one of the blogs I follow).  She pastes pictures and notes onto old books.

Journal entry by A Beautiful Mess, also on my Google Reader.

What these journal entries remind me is that there really are no rules!  Now I'm ready to get started.


  1. my journal got damaged during the flood. more than 2 years of random thoughts and serious reflections, that I cannot go back to anymore. that's a con, but still i prefer it over online. enjoy! ;-D

    1. Yes, I saw you flip through it when we combed through the debris. Check this:


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